Arman Tsarukyan vs Mateusz Gamrot
Round 1 starts and They get right after it. Mateusz goes for a takedown and gets in deep on a leg. Lifts it up over Armand head, but Armans tdd is incredible. He keeps his balance and as they separate he lands a hard body kick. Tsarukyan starts landing small leg kicks and then lands a takedown of his own. Gamrot rolls and they scramble back to their feet. Incredible scrambles ensue and Gamrot is on Tsarukyan back. Tsarukyan is able to turn and they get to the cage and separate again. Tsarukyan continues to land hard kicks including a head kick that lands partially. Gamrot ate it well though. Not much happening in the striking. Gamrot again goes for the single leg trip. Tsarukyan keeps his feet. Gamrot lands a right and Tsarukyan lands a nasty body kick. Tsarukyan goes for a takedown and another insane scramble. Awesome first round.
Grappling was dead even despite Tsarukyan being credited with a takedown. Tsarukyan landed more and had the much harder shots. 10-9 Tsarukyan
Round 2 starts and the body kick continues to be there for Tsarukyan. Gamrot lands a right cross that partially lands. Tsarukyans body kick is landing hard and you can hear the thud of it. Tsarukyan lands a right hand on a combo. Tsarukyan goes for a takedown with no luck. Gamrot lands a nice punch as they separate. Tsarukyan initiates the takedown again and again we have a crazy scramble. Tsarukyan lands a nice elbow on the way up and then misses a huge one. Hands landing for both fighters. Both fighters moving with the shots well. Another thudding Body kick appears to hurt Gamrot, but he recovers well. Tsarukyan lands another body kick, Gamrot lands a right hand
Easy round to score. Grappling again dead even, but Tsarukyan landed some HUGE body kicks. Tsarukyans punches started to land more as well. 10-9 Tsarukyan
Round 3 starts and Tsarukyan lands 2 body shots that are partially blocked. Gamrot lands a right hand as Tsarukyan circles away from it. Tsarukyan doing a great job of moving away from the punches. Circling in the right direction. Tsarukyan lands a nasty right hand as Gamrot comes in for a single. Gamrots chin is incredible. They get back into space and Gamrot lands a right hand. Small exchange and commentary says Tsarukyan looked wobbly. Not sure what they’re talking about. Gamrot goes for a takedown and they credit him for one. Tsarukyan back to his feet and Gamrot gets his back. Tsarukyan breaks the hands and Gamrot lands a nice right on the break. I space the right hand starts landing for Tsarukyan. Gamrot lands a right and Tsarukyan goes for a takedown. Unsuccessful and he eats some punches as a result. Tsarukyan lands a spinning kick to the body that Gamrot eats. Biggest shot of the round by far. Tsarukyan starts landing big the last 30 seconds of the round. Hands and kicks are landing. Left hand by Tsarukyan finds its mark and is the last strike of the round
Closer round, but Tsarukyan again landed the harder cleaner shots. One fighter is getting blasted by the strikes while the other is rolling with the punches. More effective striking goes to Tsarukyan 10-9 Tsarukyan
Round 4 opens and they both start landing. Tsarukyan lands a nasty combo and Gamrot initiates the clinch. Another hard body shot from Tsarukyan lands. Gamrot lands a nice right hand. It was his best strike of the fight. Another left by Gamrot lands. Fight slows for the first time so far and then Tsarukyan lands a massive spinning back fist that drops Gamrot! Gamrot recovers and another scramble ensues. They get back to the feet. Tsarukyan lands another body kick and a combo as announcers say he’s starting to fade 🙄. Hard strikes from Tsarukyan and another heavy body kick. Gamrot grabs the kick and gets Tsarukyan up against the cage. They credit him for a takedown but Tsarukyan up quick. Fight goes back to the ground and Gamrot gets Tsarukyans back. Gamrot goes for what looks to be some sort of crank. Nothing close. Tsarukyan out and scoots to the cage
Tsarukyan landed more strikes and the much harder strikes. He also landed a knockdown in this round. Gamrot did have a takedown and a back take. No submissions were close. Most significant part of round was the knockdown. Tsarukyan also controlled the striking all round. 10-9 Tsarukyan
Round 5 starts and Gamrot lands a nice right hand. Tsarukyan lands a nasty leg kick that knocks Gamrot off balance and he goes down for a millisecond. Gamrot yo and lands another right. Tsarukyan unsuccessfulwith a takedown and then lands a right of his own. Gamrot in on a great takedown. Amazing timing and he has Tsarukyan down. Tsarukyan works back to his feet and they separate. Gamrot lands the right. Spinning back fist misses bad for Tsarukyan and Gamrot goes for another takedown that doesn’t happen. Gamrot lands another right hand. This one landed very clean. Body shot from Tsarukyan and another right hand lands for Gamrot. Clinch ensues and Tsarukyan briefly goes for the neck of Gamrot. Nothing going though. Tsarukyan starts to land some more hits a nice body shot, but that right hand continues to land for Gamrot and Gamrot gets another takedown. Tsarukyan right back up and Gamrot gets his back. Tsarukyan reverses and ends the fight with some good ground and pound.
Best round of the fight for Gamrot. He landed some really nice right hands and used the wrestling to keep Tsarukyans offense at bay.
10-9 Gamrot
49-46 Tsarukyan
Fight over was amazing! These dudes were non stop action the entire fight. Wrestling was dead even through the majority of the rounds. Gamrot started to have a slight advantage in the wrestling toward the end of the fight, but was unable to get off any ground and pound of submissions. His one submission attempt was a crank in round four and it was never close. Tsarukyan landed the harder punches throughout the fight. He landed more strikes as well. Tsarukyan landed the only knockdown of the fight. Easy fight to score with current judging criteria. 49-46 Tsarukyan